Текст песни Nobody Loves You when You — re Down — Out

Once I lived the life of a millionaire
Spent all my money, didn't have a care
Taking all my friends out for a mighty good ride
Bootleg liquors, champagne and wine
Then I began to fall so low
Didn't have a penny and no place to go
If i ever lay my hand on a dollar again
I'm gonna hold on to it till the eagle grins
Nobody loves you when you are down and out
In your pocket you ain't got one penny
And your friends, you don't have any
Well just as soon as you've get back on your feet again
Here they all come the same old year long lost friends
I thought that it's mighty strange but without a doubt
For nobody wants you, I got to tell ya
Nobody needs you
Nobody loves you when you're down and out
(I got to tell you one more time)

Nobody Loves You when You're Down & Out видео клип

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Steve Winwood — Текст песни Nobody Loves You when You're Down & Out

Once I lived the life of a millionaire
Spent all my money, didn't have a care
Taking all my friends out for a mighty good ride
Bootleg liquors, champagne and wine
Then I began to fall so low
Didn't have a penny and no place to go
If I ever lay my hand on a dollar again
I'm gonna hold on to it till the eagle grins
Nobody loves you when you are down and out Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You when You're Down & Out — http://ru.motolyrics.com/steve-winwood/nobody-loves-you-when-youre-down-and-out-lyrics.html
In your pocket you ain't got one penny
And your friends, you don't have any
Well just as soon as you've get back on your feet again
Here they all come the same old year long lost friends
I thought that it's mighty strange but without a doubt
For nobody wants you, I got to tell ya
Nobody needs you
Nobody loves you when you're down and out.
(I got to tell you one more time)

  • URL страницы:
  • HTML ссылка: Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You when You're Down & Out текст песни — ru.motolyrics.com
  • BBCode ссылка: Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You when You're Down & Out текст песни — ru.motolyrics.com
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Текст песни Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out

Once I lived the life of a millionaire
Spent all my money, didn't have a care
Taking all my friends out for a mighty good ride
Bootleg liquors, champagne and wine
Then I began to fall so low
didn't have a penny and no place to go
If i ever lay my hand on a dollar again
I'm gonna hold on to it till the eagle grins
Nobody loves you when you are down and out
In your pocket you ain't got one penny
And your friends, you don't have any
Well just as soon as you've get back on your feet again
Here they all come the same old year long lost friends
I thought that it's mighty strange but without a doubt
For nobody wants you, I got to tell ya
Nobody needs you
Nobody loves you when you're down and out.
(I got to tell you one more time)

Перевод песни Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out

Когда-то я жил жизнью миллионера
Потратил все свои деньги, не имеют помощи
Принимая все мои друзья, для могучего хорошо ездить
Бутлег, ликеров, шампанского и вина
Потом я начал падать так низко,
не было ни гроша, и некуда идти,
Если я когда-нибудь, положа руку на доллар снова
Я буду держаться за него, пока Орел ухмыляется
Вас никто не любит, когда вы вниз и,
В кармане нет ни одного Пенни
И ваши друзья, вы не имеют каких-либо
Ну просто, как только вы снова вставать на ноги, снова
— Вот они все так же, старый год, давно потерянных друзей
Я подумал, что это очень странно, но, без сомнения,
Ведь никто не хочет, чтобы ты, я должен сказать тебе
Вы никому не нужны
Вас никто не любит, когда вы вниз и наружу.
(Я должен сказать вам еще раз)

Не знаете кто поет песню Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out? Ответ прост, это Steve Winwood. Найти слова к музыке, текст песни и иногда даже аккорды здесь не сложно, обычно чтобы найти песню по словам, нужно ввести в поиске пару слов из песни и нажать кнопку поиск. Можете теперь использовать текст и слова этой песни в караоке или просто подпевать, включив свой mp3 плеер. Не нужно пытатся перевести песню на русский или английский язык, перевод песни Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out уже есть на текстпесни2.ру, а скачать текст песни т.е lyrics можно выделив его мышкой.
Просмотров за все время у Steve Winwood — Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out:

Steve Winwood

Once I lived the life of a millionaire
Spent all my money, didn't have a care
Taking all my friends out for a mighty good ride
Bootleg liquors, champagne and wine
Then I began to fall so low
didn't have a penny and no place to go
If i ever lay my hand on a dollar again
I'm gonna hold on to it till the eagle grins
Nobody loves you when you are down and out
In your pocket you ain't got one penny
And your friends, you don't have any
Well just as soon as you've get back on your feet again
Here they all come the same old year long lost friends
I thought that it's mighty strange but without a doubt
For nobody wants you, I got to tell ya
Nobody needs you
Nobody loves you when you're down and out.
(I got to tell you one more time)

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